How To Make Lahmacun at Home? | Turkish Style Lahmacun

How To Make Lahmacun at Home? | Turkish Style Lahmacun

What is Lahmacun?

Lahmacun, which is a feast of flavour with its crispy dough, is prepared with spices and vegetables on the dough.
It is made by putting minced meat mixture. In Turkey, lahmacun filling is prepared at home and baked in the oven.
sent and cooked over a wood fire.

Although this dish, which is popular in European countries, is similar to pizza, its presentation and the ingredients used
is very different from pizza. It is frequently consumed and very popular in Turkish countries such as Turkey and Azerbaijan.
There is no kashar on this dish. It is eaten as a wrap after it is cooked. Topped with kashkaval
the cheese doesn’t fall off, the dough is very thin.

You can find lahmacun in many restaurants in Turkey. The most famous city in Turkey is
Gaziantep is known as the city of gastronomy, but today we have a homemade lahmacun recipe for 3-4 people.
we will give you. You can make very easy Turkish style lahmacun at home by following the steps below correctly.

Ingredients for Lahmacun

For the filling;

•2 pieces of dry onion
• 1 capia pepper
•2 green chillies
•1 bunch of parsley
• 2 tomatoes
• 5 cloves of garlic
• 1 tablespoon of chilli paste
• Black pepper, chilli, salt, cumin
• 500 g low-fat minced meat
• 1 tea glass of vegetable oil

For the dough;

• 2 cups of water at room temperature
• 4,5-5 cups flour
• 1 teaspoon salt

What are the stages of making lahmacun?

1. Pass the onion, peppers, tomatoes, garlic and parsley through a food processor.
2. Put these ingredients into a bowl, add minced meat, oil, tomato paste and spices on it.
is added and mixed well.
3. Leave this homogenous mixture to rest in the fridge, so that the spices and minced meat
will integrate better.
4. After the filling rests in the fridge, prepare the dough.
5. For the dough, add all the water into the bowl, add salt, then add the sifted flour little by little.
mix well.
6. Divide the thickened dough into 12 equal pieces, cover it and let it rest for at least 1 hour.
(You will have difficulty in rolling out the dough which does not rest)
7. Roll out the rested dough thinly to the desired size and spread the filling all over it.
8. Put the prepared lahmacun into a fireproof and non-stick pan. Make sure that the pan is big.
Cook it uncovered until the bottom side turns golden brown.
9. Bake the lahmacun, which is browned on the bottom side, in the oven at 200 degrees until the edges are browned.
If you want your lahmacun to be crispy, do not cover it with a cloth after cooking,
For a soft lahmacun, cover it with a cloth as soon as you take it out of the oven and your lahmacun is ready.

Turkish foods; Turkish pizza -Lahmacun

What are the tricks of making lahmacun?

• for the filling to be delicious and for the flavour of the spices to pass into the minced meat
must be rested
•The dough should be rested for 1 hour for easy rolling
• The dough should be rolled out very thinly so that the filling and the dough are cooked evenly.

How to serve Lahmacun?

When serving lahmacun, a salad made of parsley and onion should be prepared.
You can squeeze lemon on it while eating lahmacun. The most consumed beverage with it is ayr. Vegetables
You can eat it as a wrap with the vegetables you want. I recommend you to consume it hot

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