Pide Recipe With Meat and Kashkaval| Turkish Food Pide Making

Pide Recipe With Meat and Kashkaval| Turkish Food Pide Making

Pide with Meat:

Kashbashi pide is one of the most popular and hearty flavours of Turkish cuisine. Thin dough this pita prepared by placing plenty of cubed meat and vegetables on it, is a favourite for every palate. offers a flavour that appeals to the taste buds.


For the filling:

1 kilo of meat
3 tomatoes
2 onions
3 cloves of garlic
3 green chillies
50 grams of vegetable oil
Black Pepper
Chilli flakes

For the dough:

1 tablespoon sugar
550 grams of hot water
75 grams of vegetable oil
2 teaspoons of salt
7-8 cups of flour

For the topping:

3 egg yolks
Kashkaval cheese


1. Prepare the first dough for the pita bread, put water, yeast, sugar, vegetable oil and salt in a deep bowl. add and mix well
2. Leave the liquid mixture for 3 minutes to activate the yeast, add the flour to the mixture knead the dough well and let it rest for one hour.
3. While the dough is resting, prepare the filling, for the filling, chop the meat into small pieces, more than chickpeas. must be small
4. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and add them to the meat, peel the tomatoes and add them to the meat. then add the oil and spices and mix well
5. Divide the rested dough into ten equal parts and roll out into thin and long pieces.
6. Put the rolled out dough on a baking tray greased with oil and sprinkled with a little flour and put the filling on it. place, fold the edge of your dough so that it does not fall apart and fold only the folded part brush with egg yolk
7. Bake the prepared pita bread in a preheated 180 degree oven until golden brown, bake the cooked pita bread add the kasar cheese and cook again for two minutes until the cheese melts and your pita bread ready to go
8. If you do not want to use cheese, you can consume without cheese
9. The dough will have a soft consistency, do not worry when it sticks to your hands, just roll it up a little with flour plasticine

Bon Appetit!

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