Uzbek Manti| Dazzling Dumplings from Central Asia

Uzbek Manti| Dazzling Dumplings from Central Asia

Uzbek dumplings:

The most important feature of Uzbek manti is that it is steamed. The filling is completely raw You can consume Uzbek ravioli with the sauce you want. You will be born with plenty of meat Recipe. Uzbek manti is also easy to make because it is not small, but a little big.

Uzbek ravioli, one of the most favourite flavours of Uzbek cuisine, has a different shape and It differs from classic manti with its presentation. The thinness of the dough, the spice balance of the filling and offers a unique taste with its cooking method.


For the dough;

1400 kilos of flour
1 teaspoon salt
400 ml of water
1 egg

For the filling;

500 grams of minced meat
2 onions
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper

Uzbek Manti


1. To prepare the dough, add the flour, egg and salt and gradually add the water. Knead
2. Pour the water gradually in a controlled manner
3. leave the well-kneaded dough to rest for half an hour
4. While the dough is resting, prepare the filling; add salt, black pepper and salt on the minced meat for the filling. add the small chopped onion and mix well
5. You can add 50 grams of water to the filling
6. Roll out the rested dough thinly and shape it into rings with the help of a bowl
7. Place the minced meat in the middle of the rings and close the dough, shape with your hands
8. Place in the apparatus you will steam
9. Steam with the lid closed for 30 minutes
10. You can serve with butter.

Bon Appetit!


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