How to Make Delicious and Healing Chicken Soup?

How to Make Delicious and Healing Chicken Soup?

Chicken Soup: A Warming Table from a Delicious History

Chicken soup is much more than a simple soup that is good for colds. With its rich history, its place in different cultures and its hearty flavour, chicken soup is one of the world’s is one of the most loved and respected soups.

The history of chicken soup is quite old. The first chicken soup recipes date back to 2000 BC to the early years of the 19th century. At that time, chicken soup was served to the sick and weakened was offered to people as a source of healing. Over time, chicken soup has become a popular and gained different interpretations in different cuisines.


7-8 chicken thighs
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
2 large potatoes
3 carrots
Black Pepper
Chilli flakes
Dry mint
3 cloves of garlic
1 onion
2 bay leaves
Hot water


1. Add oil in a saucepan and sauté the chicken
2. Add the peeled and chopped carrots and potatoes
3. Do not chop the vegetables small, they may fall apart as they cook
4. Add the bay leaf and peeled whole onion
5. Mix all the vegetables well and add the spices
6. You can add spices and vegetables of your choice, celery stalk is also very good at this stage. it will be nutritious. Remove the spice you do not like and add a spice you like you can
7. Add hot water to all the ingredients, boil for half an hour and add the chicken.
your soup is ready
8. Remove the bay leaf and onion and serve
9. Lemon will be very good with it and will also increase the nutritional value

Bon Appetit!


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