How to Make Delicious Jalebi Dessert? |Indian Dessert Jalebi

How to Make Delicious Jalebi Dessert? |Indian Dessert Jalebi

Jalebi :A Delicious Indian Dessert

Jalebi is a speciality of India and Pakistan, made from lentil and chickpea flour and then is a fried dessert dipped in sugar syrup. Bright orange in colour, bagel-shaped, is a sweet snack with a crispy crust and a soft, chewy interior. Syrup
The sweetness and the distinctive texture of the jalebi make it a truly enjoyable dessert.

Interesting Facts About Jalebi:

• The origin of Jalebi can be traced back to India, dating back to 1500 BC.
•Jalebi was originally a dessert served at religious ceremonies.
• Jalebi’s name comes from the Arabic word ‘jalab’, which means ‘rose water’.
• Jalebi is a popular street food with many different flavours.


For the dough:

• 1 cup all purpose flour (maida)
• ½ cup chickpea flour (besan)
• 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
• 1/8 teaspoon baking soda
• ¼ cup plain yoghurt
• ½ cup water (more may be required)
•1 tablespoon ghee (optional)
•1 drop of orange food colouring (optional)
• 1/8 teaspoon saffron strands (optional)

For the syrup:

• 2 cups granulated sugar
•2 cups water
•1 lemon slice

For decoration:

•Chopped pistachios, almonds, or cashews (optional)


1. Prepare the syrup: Add water, sugar and lemon wedge to a saucepan. Bring to the boil cook for about 10 minutes after it starts. Remove the syrup from the stove and let it cool Leave it.
2. Prepare the dough: Put maida, besan, baking powder, baking soda in a bowl, yoghurt and water. Mix until you get a smooth dough. If necessary add more water.
3. Divide the dough in half. Add orange food colouring and saffron strands to one half and mix until coloured.
4. Put both dough mixtures into a piping bag separately.
5. Put plenty of oil in a deep frying pan and heat it.
6. Pipe the dough into rings in the oil.
7. Fry the ring desserts until golden brown.
8. Put the fried ring desserts on a plate lined with paper towels.
9. Dip the cooled ring desserts into the cold sherbet and dip all sides of the ring desserts. and allow it to soak in the syrup.
10.Garnish with pistachios, almonds or walnuts and serve.

Tips and Tricks:

• When preparing the dough, be careful not to add too much flour. Otherwise the dough will be too hard and difficult to squeeze into rings.
• Make sure that the dough comes to room temperature before filling the piping bag. to the oil.
• Do not heat the oil too much. Otherwise, the ring desserts will be browned on the outside and raw on the inside.
• Allow the ring desserts to cool well before dipping them in the syrup.
• Do not overcook the syrup to get a syrup of the desired consistency

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