Morocco | Marrakech Famous Tea Recipe

Morocco | Marrakech Famous Tea Recipe

Morocco | Marrakech Famous Tea Recipe

Moroccan tea :

Moroccan tea is more than just a drink, it is a traditional drink that has an important place in Moroccan culture. green tea with mint. This flavour, also known as ‘Ash-Shay el-Maghribi’, is not only in Morocco, is popularly consumed all over the world

Moroccan tea, usually from green tea leaves such as Gunpowder or Chun Mee are made. These teas are rich in antioxidants and have many health benefits presents.

The most distinctive feature of Moroccan tea is that it is flavoured with fresh mint leaves. Mint flavouring It adds a refreshing aroma and flavour and helps digestion.

Moroccan tea is usually the first thing that is offered to guests in Morocco. This tradition is a pleasant to say welcome and make them feel at home.

Moroccan tea is more than just a drink, it is also a way to get together with people and chat. is used. Families and friends often spend time drinking Moroccan tea throughout the day.

Moroccan tea, which is indispensable for iftar tables during Ramadan, is a favourite tea for the opening of fasting. helps and facilitates digestion.

How to prepare Moroccan tea at home:

Moroccan tea is quite easy to prepare at home. Here are the ingredients you need:

– Green tea
– Fresh mint leaves
– Sugar or honey (optional)
– Hot water
– Silver tray and special glasses (optional)


1. Put a teaspoon of green tea in a brewing container.
2. Add fresh mint leaves on it.
3. Brew with boiling water and leave for 3-5 minutes.
4. Add the desired amount of sugar or honey.
5. Pour the tea into special glasses placed on a silver tray and wait until it becomes foamy.
and serve it by pouring it as high as possible.

Moroccan tea is not only a flavourful drink, but also a part of Moroccan culture. also represents an important part of Morocco. Try this unique tea and experience Morocco’s hospitable you can feel the atmosphere and warmth.

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