Practical Greek Style Yoghurt Recipe

Practical Greek Style Yoghurt Recipe

Homemade Greek yoghurt is darker and more protein-rich than regular yoghurt. rich. Here is an easy way to make your own Greek yoghurt:



– 1 litre whole milk
– 2 tablespoons plain yoghurt (for fermentation)


– Cookware
– Spoon
– Strainer
– Cheesecloth or clean kitchen towel
– Big bowl


1. Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat. Do not bring to the boil, just a little
heat until bubbles begin to form. Remove from the heat and cool to room temperature.
Allow to cool to about 45°C. Check this with a thermometer
you can use a thermometer. If you do not have a thermometer, you can dip your finger into the milk
If it is hot but at a temperature you can stand, it is done.
2. In a small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of yoghurt with a little milk until smooth.
stir. Pour this mixture into the milk in the saucepan and stir until homogenised.stir.
3. Cover the pot with a thick towel or blanket. This will allow the yoghurt to ferment.
will help create a warm environment. How to put the saucepan undisturbed 6-
Leave for 8 hours or until the yoghurt has thickened.
4. Line a strainer with cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel. Pour the mixture into the strainer
pour and hang the yoghurt by tying the ends of the cheesecloth together. Fill a large bowl
place on the bottom of the strainer so that the drained liquid (whey) can drain here
will run off.
5. Strain the yoghurt for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. How long is the straining time
The longer it is, the thicker and creamier your yoghurt will be.
6. After straining, store the yoghurt in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
Save it.

Enjoy !


– For a faster fermentation you can use some starter culture powder. These powders can be found in grocery stores.
– Make sure the milk you use is fresh.
– You can serve your yoghurt with fruit, honey or granola

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