Practical Kibbeh Recipe |Turkish Food Stuffed Meatballs

Practical Kibbeh Recipe |Turkish Food Stuffed Meatballs

Turkish Dish Içli Köfte :

Içli köfte is an indispensable part of Turkish cuisine with its flavour, history and diversity. Every
This traditional dish, which adds colour to the tables with its unique recipe and flavour of the region
Trying and discovering different variations will appeal to every palate.

İçli köfte, originating from Middle Eastern cuisine, has been consumed in Anatolia for centuries.
is a delicious traditional dish. Originally from Levant cuisine, this dish is called “kibbe” or
It is also called “stuffed meatballs”. Prepared in different shapes and with different ingredients according to regions
kibbeh offers a unique flavour in every region.


(for 40 pieces)

For the filling:

•600 g medium-fat beef mince
Half a glass of water
7 pieces of dry onion
200 gr. butter or margarine
1 tablespoon of chilli paste
Half a teaspoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon of red chilli flakes or chilli powder

For the dough;

•2 cups of fine white bulgur for meatballs
2 cups of fine brown bulgur
8 tablespoons of fine semolina
5 tablespoons flour
1 egg
1 teaspoon salt
1 dessert spoon cumin (it will be wiped)
1 dessert spoon of black pepper (to be deleted)
3 cups of hot water (2 cups will be added first and then 1 cup more)
Also 2 glasses of normal warm water
1 tablespoon of chilli paste (not full)


1. Cook the minced meat with water for the filling.
2. Add oil and chopped onion on the minced meat which has completely absorbed the water.
It is important that the onion is small
3. When the onions are cooked well, add the spices and tomato paste, mix for 3 minutes and then add the stuffing.
Remove from the stove and place on a large plate to cool down.
4. It is important that the filling is cold in order to shape the meatballs.
5. While waiting for the filling to cool, prepare the outer dough.
6. For the filling, add bulgur, semolina and 2 cups of hot water into a large tray, mix and cover.
cover and leave it for 10 minutes.
7. Then add spices, salt, tomato paste and 1 glass of hot water and knead the mixture.
8. We have 2 glasses of normal temperature water on the side.
9. Let’s knead a little, then add half a glass of water.
10. Let’s continue kneading, then add flour, knead a little more and add the remaining water.
add half, add the egg and continue to knead and then add water again
add it. Add 2 glasses of water slowly. Our dough has the consistency of paste.
11. Let’s try to open one, if there is tearing, let’s knead a little more. After that
Let’s take pieces a little bigger than walnut, wet our hand in between and open it. Fill it with cooled
Let’s shape it as in the video by putting our mortar.

Presentation and Diversity:

Served with stuffed meatballs, yoghurt, ayran or salad. Lemon according to local variations,
Parsley, sauce and spices can also be used in the presentation. There are many variations in terms of filling and shape.
Among the most well-known varieties of kibbeh are “kibbeh soup”, “kibbeh in the oven”, “kibbeh in the oven”, “kibbeh
meatball tray” and “stuffed meatballs with sour”.


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